Emergency Pantry
Emergency Pantry
Havelock House is calling for donations of non-perishable foods like canned and dried food, rice, pasta, long life milk and cereals as well as cleaning and personal hygiene products.
Your donation will help more than 100 vulnerable residents staying at Havelock House in Canberra City who are living with high and complex needs, including disability, physical and mental health issues, and are already finding it challenging to find access to enough food or basic items.

Donating is easy:
- Gather the items you plan to donate
- Check the expiration dates
- Drop off your donation at Havelock House! Just pop the food in the labelled box at reception.
Our address is 85 Northbourne Avenue, Turner, ACT 2612. If you have any questions at all or are having trouble finding us, please contact: info@havelock.org.au or call 02 6257 2277
Why we need your help
Havelock Housing supports more than 400 residents living in more than 200 properties across the ACT. We serve a diverse community, including older women, young mothers, single parent families, students, LGBTQIA+ inclusive, Indigenous people, migrants, refugees and people with high and complex service needs.
HHL is also the largest housing provider for more 100 residents with disability in the ACT. Our residents are from diverse cultural, personal, social and ethnic backgrounds, age groups, and all have experienced homelessness, housing insecurity and financial stress. Many are unemployed, socially isolated, lacking in confidence and motivation, have poor access to services and are reaching out for connection and support.
More than 100 of our residents live in shared (unit) accommodation at Havelock House, based in the centre of Canberra city. Apart from a small tertiary student cohort, the majority of our residents in Havelock House are living with high and complex needs, including mental health issues and are already finding it challenging to find and access suitable amounts of basic foods.
The emergency pantry is set up here in Havelock House to support residents in getting basic food supplies, which will be distributed to residents in need.